Friday, July 17, 2015

2015 - 365 Project. Day 197, July 16

365 Project. Day 197, July 16: Two-fer as a TBT picture! Super hard to get a good clear shot of this, but removing it from the frame and scanning it was too daunting. Jennifer was six in this picture. Pretty sure this spawned (pun intended) her obsession with mermaids. — with Jennifer Philbin.

2015 - 365 Project. Day 196, July 15

365 Project. Day 196, July 15: There are some things in life that make me feel like a kid again, no matter how old I am. Off the top of my head: 
- going to Disneyland 
- eating a popsicle bought from the ice cream truck
- cleaning a horse corral
- And THIS - driving through a car wash.

And yes, I see that the carwash has red hair too...

2015 - 365 Project. Day 195, July 14

365 Project. Day 195, July 14: today, Jennifer had a Champinellies coaching session ths afernoon in Long Beach with Lynne Smith. I took the last dog I'll ever own to Rosie's Dog Beach. He had fun, when he wasn't peeing on our bag, trying to hump other dogs, finding inevitable evil things to eat in the sand, and refusing to drink the fresh water I brought for him because he was certain that I was trying to kill him with salt water. Vicki Epsteintrekked out to join us for a bit! We discussed how great it is to have cats. I included the last couple shots of him drying in the sun and snuggled in the back seat of the car, because I suppose there are some people who would find this cute.

2015 - 365 Project. Day 194, July 13

365 Project. Day 194, July 13: As I've said before, I simply can't knock every single one of these out of the park. So I'll share two things I really DISLIKE about this 365 photo project. The first is having to number my days. Life goes more and more quickly, the older I get. Counting each day as it hurtles past just makes time seem to fly even more quickly. Second, this project pretty much has to be on my mind several times a day, so that I don't have to settle for a less-than-worthy photo. For today, I'm making do with showing the darling high school grad who sets up and takes down our chorus risers. He is totally rocking a man-bun, and he's such a sweet guy. I should have just asked him to pose, but I chickened out.

2015 - 365 Project. Day 193, July 12

365 Project. Day 193, July 12: So, when one is super, SUPER tired, Shakespeare sounds like "Blah blah blah, Ginger". Still... wine, dinner, cookies & good company, and NO BUGS. Can I get a hollah for Southern California summer outdoor evenings?
 — with AnneMarie Lachance-Sureau and Diana Barber at Hesse Park.

2015 - 365 Project. Day 191, July 10

365 Project. Day 191, July 10: I'm making my world-famous fudge with DARK CHOCOLATE for tomorrow's Champinellies Wild West fundraiser bingo prize. It's not too late to plan on coming!!

2015 - 365 Project. Day 192, July 11

365 Day 192, July 11: Technically it's past deadline, but I just got home. Fun night at the Champinellies' Wild West Bingo Night at the Papageorges' home. Thanks so much for everyone who turned up to support the girls!!
 — with Jennifer PhilbinSara Christine Littlefieldand Courtney Crowe.

2015 - 365 Project. Day 190, July 9

365 Project. Day 190, July 9: It's about to get real at VBC. #giantblockofice #sledgehammer#onlyjesuscanputitbacktogether
 — with Jennifer Philbinand Kate Goldsworthy.

2015 - 365 Project. Day 189, July 8

365 Project. Day 189, July 8: It's bedtime, and I was so busy today I didn't take any pictures. So this is hanging on my kitchen wall for no other reason than that there was a hook on the wall when we moved in, and this plaster thing was nearby. It was in my parents' garage when we sold their house. I'm hoping someone will spot this post and tell me it is a valuable relic from the old days and offer me a gazillion dollars for it so we can retire, fabulously wealthy. Not really. I just didn't want to miss a day on the photo project and VBC has me looking waaaay too tired for a selfie.

2015 - 365 Project. Day 188, July 7

365 Project. Day 188, July 7: Everest VBC selfie. — with Kate GoldsworthyAnna NiclesJenn Hoffmeyerand Jennifer Philbin.

2015 - 365 Project. Day 187, July 6

365 Project. Day 187, July 6: First day of Vacation Bible Camp down. Jennifer is in line getting our lunch at LBJ'S (local slang for El Burrito Jr.). A truck here has this bumper sticker! The Special C is just what we're splitting!

2015 - 365 Project. Day 186, July 5

365 Project. Day 186, July 5: Slightly different hair color. New shirt for VBC (Vacation Bible Camp) that begins tomorrow. God has the power to ___________. - all week! Bring it on!

2015 - 365 Project. Day 185, July 4

365 Project. Day 185, July 4: Well, it only took about seven years, but we finally got this hung up today! We bought this flag at Pearl Harbor. It had been flown at the U.S.S. Arizona Memorial on 9/11/2008. Brian, BeckyJennifer and I were there for the Sweet Adelines International convention that year. Thank you, Brian Philbin! There are few things more romantic than a man using power tools for his wife!!!

"We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all." Isaiah 53:6

Happy birthday, America - may God shed His grace on Thee.

2015 - 365 Project. Day 184, July 3

365 Project. Day 184, July 3: Driving to Julia's for paddle tennis and we saw dis. Instant soul refill.

2015 - 365 Project. Day 183, July 2

365 Project. Day 183, July 2: We had another Maggie Baird Sighting today. Jennifer has been watching Friends on Netflix. She got to the episode where Joey has a hernia and is auditioning for a dog food commercial. And the person conducting the audition? Maggie! Last time, we saw her on The West Wing. It's fun having famous friends. — with Maggie Baird.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

2015 - 365 Project. Day 182, July 1

365 Project. Day 182, July 1: The last dog I'll ever own is paid up for another year. I think dog registration, like car registration, should be progressively cheaper every year.

2015 - 365 Project. Day 181, June 30

365 Project. Day 181, June 30: So, one if Jennifer's many skills is her freakish ability to match the "facial expressions" of cars we see. We'll be driving along behind a car, and she'll nudge me to show me the face she's making. It's always spot on. This is just one example. At some point, we'll have to do this for about twenty other pictures of car faces I've taken. Yes. To borrow a favorite quote from Brian, we have entirely too much time on our hands.

2015 - 365 Project. Day 180, June 29

365 Project. Day 180, June 29: I think if my toes aren't actually poking through yet, these dance shoes have plenty of life left. #Harborlites #Frow

2015 - 365 Project. Day 179, June 28

365 Project. Day 179, June 28: Wicked busy day that still isn't over until I pick up my unsocialized homeschooler from her friend's house at 11. (I prolly ought to get out of my jammies and into sweats for that). Church, lunch, barn with Diana, graduation dinner for another of Jennifer's friends, Micheal. So much running around I didn't take any pictures. But the sunset was glorious. I caught a few shots with a dying phone battery. Yay God!

2015 - 365 Project. Day 178, June 27

365 Project. Day 178, June 27: Jennifer and I got to spend the afternoon wishing Katelin Pinney well at her wedding shower! A lovely time filled with friends, laughter, and marvelous advice from the married women. Roger Motzkus, OF COURSE I passed on the charge you gave to Brian and me at our wedding. smile emoticonSo very glad for her and for Corey Jones! ♡♡

2015 - 365 Project. Day 177, June 26

365 Project. Day 177, June 26: Today passed in that weird blur, where you're grieving a loss, and yet life keeps interfering. Mourning the loss of James. Briantook most of the day off, and Jennifer returned from a missions week in San Francisco. Anyway, this picture is a nod to James and Metropolis. Brian and I swapped cars years ago, because Jen and I drive so much that his 4-cylinder was far cheaper for me to drive. I like driving around with METQTET. And with the USC frame gifted to me by David Thom so I can rightfully park in our USC spot at church. Yes, our church has a Trojans-only spot we use as a fundraiser for our youth.

2015 - 365 Project. Day 176, June 25

365 Project. Day 176, June 25: Today we were so deeply saddened to hear of the untimely passing of James Sabina. The tenor of Metropolis, James was an amazing musician, a fierce competitor, and barbershop athlete - he took judo lessons so he could learn to fall without hurting himself during Metropolis' action-packed performances. He was only 39 years old. We are praying for his family.
 — with James SabinaBrian PhilbinBob Hartley and Mike McGee.

2015 - 365 Project. Day 175, June 24

365 Project. Day 175, June 24: Sometimes you can't make it to the gym while the baby is sleeping. And your husband's dumbbells are too heavy for tricep kickbacks. So, you know, you just use a cast iron pot. You know the old saying... any pot in the storm... ba dump bump.

2015 - 365 Project. Day 174, June 23

365 Project. Day 174, June 23: Both baby hummingbirds have hatched! If all goes well, they should be out of here in about three weeks!

Fun facts:

The average weight of a hummingbird is .15 ounces (about the weight of a nickel).

A group of hummingbirds may be called a bouquet, glittering, a hover, shimmer, or a tune of hummingbirds.

Anna's Hummingbirds have an average body temperature of 107 degrees. When outside temperatures fall, hummingbirds enter torpor and their body temperature can fall to 48 degrees. When temperatures warm, the hummingbird can become active again in a few minutes.

Females build nests out of plant down and spider webs. They often decorate the outside of the nest with lichens.

Hummingbirds are only found in the Americas. No species of hummingbirds exist in Europe or Asia.

Hummingbirds have tiny legs and can neither walk nor hop, but can scoot slightly when perched.

2015 - 365 Project. Day 173, June 22

365 Project. Day 173, June 22: I'm always a little blue when Jennifer is away. She's in San Francisco for the week on a mission trip with the youth group. But it's the second day of summer, it is GLORIOUS outside, and I woke up early. So I did my favorite 4+mile beach walk, dropped the last dog I'll ever own at home, and came back for breakfast. I was seated by the lovely Colleen Cox, and I brought my Kindle to read the book Debbiesent me. Happy. Blessed. Hungry. Oh, and I couldn't resist a little Dr. Who reference... don't blink. — at Good Stuff Restaurant.