Sunday, July 24, 2016

2015 - 365 Project. Day 265, September 22

365 Project. Day 265, September 22: So, pomegranates are my absolute favorite fruit. But they have a super short season, and they're extravagantly expensive. Two of the most touching Christmas gifts I've received were a jar of pomegranate jelly from Karen Laderman, who made it herself from fruit gathered in her mom's back yard. Her mom has been gone for many years now. Having lost my own dear mom, I know exactly how it feels to slowly run out of things that directly connected me to her. So this gift had special meaning, because I understand and fully appreciate its value. The second was from the other Laderman sister, Kathy Laderman Wright, who gifted me the very biggest and best pomegranate from her own tree. It was huge, flawless, and the best pomegranate I've ever eaten.

Furhermore, I realized on my morning walk that I've neglected Haikuesday lately. And I saw TWO pomegranate trees on my route! So I'm honoring both Haikuesday AND my fruit in my pic of the day:

Pomegranate trees.
Favorite fruit is coming!
Alas... not my trees.